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Your Age in Seconds, Minutes, hours and in days program in PYTHON

  import datetime print ( " \n Instructions:" ) print ( " \n 1.) Put the date correctly." ) pyear = datetime . datetime . today (). strftime ( '%Y' ) pyear = int ( pyear ) pmonth = datetime . datetime . today (). strftime ( '%m' ) pmonth = int ( pmonth ) pdate = datetime . datetime . today (). strftime ( ' %d ' ) pdate = int ( pdate ) phour = datetime . datetime . today (). strftime ( '%H' ) phour = int ( phour ) pmin = datetime . datetime . today (). strftime ( '%M' ) pmin   = int ( pmin ) psec = datetime . datetime . today (). strftime ( '%S' ) psec = int ( psec ) byear = int ( input ( "Birth year (For eg. 2005, 1976 etc): " )) i = 1 while i > 0 :     if byear >= pyear :         print ( " \n Year is invalid.." )         byear = int ( input ( "Birth year (For eg. 2005, 1976 etc): " ))         i = i + 1     else :         break bmon...
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Stone-Paper-Scissor in PYTHON

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Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary Convertor in PYTHON

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Password Generator in PYTHON

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